Belarusian, Ukrainian Soccer Fans Show Anti-Putin Solidarity in Lviv

Hundreds of Belarusian soccer fans shouted anti-Putin (Putin khuylo!) and pro-Ukrainian (Glory to Ukraine!) slogans at a Euro 2016 qualifier match in Lviv on September 5.

Ukrainian fans at the Lviv stadium responded with a «Long Live Belarus!» chorus, while both sides chanted jointly the words «Together Forever!»

The Belarusian fans also incited an outburst of enthusiasm at the stadium by unfurling a banner with Ukraine’s state emblem and a Ukrainian-language message «Hold On, Brothers!»

Before the game, some thousand Belarusian and Ukrainian fans staged a joint solidarity march in downtown Lviv. And prior to the march, Belarusian and Ukrainian soccer fans visited blood collection centers in Lviv to donate blood for Ukrainian soldiers wounded in fighting against pro-Russian separatists in Donbass, and also played a friendly soccer game.

As to the match itself, Ukraine beat Belarus 3:1, thus depriving the Belarusian team of any chances for a spot at Euro 2016.